Vision for
That God would use TheNewU website to challenge and awaken believers to their new identity as sons and daughters of God and to discover that the Gospel is far greater than we currently realize.
I have had the privilege of knowing Peter Parris. Peter is a faithful minister of the gospel and many have been blessed by his keen insight and understanding of the New Covenant that Jesus inaugurated. Peter said that when He became a Christian, God let him know that he would be used in “evangelizing Christians”. Peter goes on to say that most who live in the Western part of the world have for a long time been exposed to a “sub-standard” gospel. “The lost do not know how lost they are and the saved do not know how saved they are” is how Peter relates this truth. If this is a true and correct understanding (and I believe it is), it has huge implications for us today. One implication is that we must read the gospel through new eyes; we must be willing to change, perhaps unlearn some things and learn new truths. We may have to discard some beliefs,interpretations, and opinions we currently hold dear. I believe that the New Covenant that Jesus ushered in is far greater and more wonderful than most of us currently realize.When the gospel of the Kingdom of God touches a person, an organization, a church, or a nation, the evidence of the Kingdom is obvious to all. Life is not the same after encountering
this Kingdom. God desires that we pursue and embrace the same gospel that the Apostle Paul and other New Testament writers and believers encountered.
It’s my prayer, my hope, that we will indeed acquire a new thirst and a new hunger to learn
more about the Gospel of Jesus Christ resulting in truly transformed lives. The gospel is indeed
better news than most of us realize-it’s worth the pursuit. May God open our eyes to see Him.
Feb 14, 2014
I have had the privilege of knowing Peter Parris. Peter is a faithful minister of the gospel and many have been blessed by his keen insight and understanding of the New Covenant that Jesus inaugurated. Peter said that when He became a Christian, God let him know that he would be used in “evangelizing Christians”. Peter goes on to say that most who live in the Western part of the world have for a long time been exposed to a “sub-standard” gospel. “The lost do not know how lost they are and the saved do not know how saved they are” is how Peter relates this truth. If this is a true and correct understanding (and I believe it is), it has huge implications for us today. One implication is that we must read the gospel through new eyes; we must be willing to change, perhaps unlearn some things and learn new truths. We may have to discard some beliefs,interpretations, and opinions we currently hold dear. I believe that the New Covenant that Jesus ushered in is far greater and more wonderful than most of us currently realize.When the gospel of the Kingdom of God touches a person, an organization, a church, or a nation, the evidence of the Kingdom is obvious to all. Life is not the same after encountering
this Kingdom. God desires that we pursue and embrace the same gospel that the Apostle Paul and other New Testament writers and believers encountered.
It’s my prayer, my hope, that we will indeed acquire a new thirst and a new hunger to learn
more about the Gospel of Jesus Christ resulting in truly transformed lives. The gospel is indeed
better news than most of us realize-it’s worth the pursuit. May God open our eyes to see Him.
Feb 14, 2014