January 31, 2017 WELL DEFINED
1 Timothy 4:11,15 “Prescribe and teach these things.” “Take pains with these things; be absorbed in them, so that your progress may be evident to all.”
Being focused on our life, our desires, our likes and dislikes, our preferences, our opinions, and our ‘rights’ results in our missing the intended message and purpose of the scriptures. Reading and interpreting the scriptures to suit our preferences has the effect of diluting the scriptures, robbing us of the power of the gospel. Our culture puts self on the throne and even believers can unknowingly perceive or view the scriptures as a tool that will ‘make their life better.’ However, the truth is that we should view the scriptures as the gospel of God that we should build our life around. When a facet of our life contradicts the scripture, then we are the one that needs to be changed rather than ignoring or trying to interpret scripture in such a way that we can remain the same. The Scriptures are not ambiguous, even though listening too many of the ‘teachers’ of scriptures, and hearing all of the opposing interpretations of the scriptures, one would conclude that the Scriptures are ambiguous. However, the liberating truth is that the Scriptures are not difficult to understand and are not difficult to live out once we know our identity as sons and daughters of God. Contrary to popular opinion, the life that a believer is called to live is well defined in the scriptures. As a believer and as a disciple of Jesus, we should view the Scriptures as THE handbook of life, and be quick to make any adjustments we need to make so that our life is in harmony with the teachings of scriptures. Sad to say, but some see the teachings of scripture as the unreachable, ‘ideal’, but impossible to actually live out, because after all, they ‘are just human beings.’ With all that being said-the scriptures are God’s instructions for life. “The words of God giveth life.” Proverbs 3:1. Throughout the New Testament we find commands and instructions that are given to believers, but these commands are not burdensome, but when kept, lead to life. It is key to understand that the commandments are actually pointers to our new nature that we have been given. When we come to understand in our spirit that every command of Scripture comes from our loving Father and that they are in harmony with our new nature, we actually rejoice to keep His commandments. May we long to hear His every command, and may we rejoice over every word He speaks. Knowing, loving, and following God is not difficult or burdensome. Once we come to know God in the deepest part of our being, it will be our desire to do the things that please Him. So, as 2 Corinthians 11:3 tells us, do not let our minds be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ. The gospel was given for our good, and in keeping the gospel, we find life.
2 Timothy 3:16-17: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”