September 29, 2016 ANTIDOTE FOR ANXIETY
Luke 12:30-32: “For all these things the nations of the world eagerly seek; but our Father knows that you need these things. But seek for His kingdom and these things shall be added to you. Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom.”
In just a few words, these verses reveal much about the nature of our Father and just how awesome He is. In the preceding verses in this chapter of Luke, Jesus is giving the antidote for being anxious about the necessities of life-food and clothing, and He simply, but powerfully tells His listeners not to be anxious for their life. Jesus reminds them that God provides for the animals and He “clothes the lilies of the field,” so certainly He will provide for them. The basic, survival nature of man, and the first instinct, is to seek food and clothing, but the message that Jesus gave rearranges the priority of man. It is contrary to man’s nature, but Jesus makes it known that if man first seeks the kingdom of God, God will add the things we need for life. Either we are busy ‘getting’ what we need, or we are living life knowing that it is God who supplies our needs; knowing that God supplies our needs is crucial if we are to be free of anxiety. It is also comforting to know that God, the creator, is concerned for our well- being and He is aware of what we need. Knowing our needs and supplying our needs is only a part of a much bigger picture-that of being a part of His kingdom. How blessed we are that God is our Father, and that He “has chosen gladly” to give us the kingdom of God! The fact that God is anxious to share His life-His kingdom-with those who have placed their faith and hope in Him, may be a truth difficult to comprehend, but it is indeed a fact. The compassion, love, and tenderness of Jesus becomes obvious when He uses the term “little flock,” when He addresses those who are following Him. God is aware of all of the difficulties and trials that come with life, and of the evil that is ever-present in the world, but because He is our Father, we do not have to be afraid. We find great comfort in the fact that God is our Father, that He desires to share His life with us, that He has chosen, and is anxious to give us His kingdom, that He is not only aware of our needs, but He also supplies our needs, and that He is full of compassion. May the depth of the love and care that our Father has for each of us become known in our spirits, minds, and hearts.
Luke 12:6-7: “What is the price of five sparrows-two copper coins? Yet God does not forget a single one of them. And the hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.”