John 14:23, 26 “Jesus answered and said to him, ‘If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him, and, make our abode with him”. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.’”
The Christian Godhead is one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. These three Persons are distinct, yet they are one. Even though it is impossible for our finite minds to totally understand this three Persons in One, it is real and it impacts the life of the believe more than we can even imagine. Today, we will briefly look at the role of the Holy Spirit and the necessity of the Holy Spirt in the life of the believer. It is awesome that God said that He, the Son, and the Holy Spirit would come and make their abode with those that love Him! (It is interesting and critical to note that those who love Him will keep His word-that’s another subject.) We tend to think that it is through our own intellect that we learn of God; but the reality is that apart from the work of the Holy Spirt of God in us, we would never come to know God. God is God, and man is man, and there is a vast separation between the two; God is Holy, and man is a sinner. But thanks be to God, God bridged this gap through the person of Jesus Christ and His sacrificial death and has restored our relationship with Him. As a believer, we can live the Christian life and experience the truths and blessings of the gospel only because it is the Holy Spirit of God living in us, revealing the scriptures and empowering us to live in harmony with God’s word. It is not sufficient to have a mental understanding of the scriptures only; the truth of the scriptures must be revealed, or made real in our spirit, and that is what the Holy Spirit does. Jesus knew that apart from the Holy Spirit being given to believers, they could not understand the scriptures and would not have the power needed to live out the gospel; we need to fully embrace the fact that the Holy Spirit is the Helper. John 16:13 is a wonderful promise to the believer: “But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.” Another awesome truth to grasp is found in Romans 8:11: “But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.” Our mortal bodies or just that-they are mortal. BUT the Spirit of God in us gives life, real life, to our mortal bodies! What God has done in us is far greater than we presently know, but what we do know from the scriptures may in a way seem too good to be true. We have been saved from a life separated from God and doomed for hell; we have been forgiven; we have been made new creations with new hearts and new minds and new spirits; and we have been adopted into the family of God. All of this is made real to us by the Holy Spirit, the Helper, who has been sent to live in each believer. Let us never lose sight of the fact that the life God has for us, as depicted in the scriptures, is beyond our reach apart from the Holy Spirit living in us, revealing truth and empowering us to live according to His word and to His plans for us. Our mortal bodies now have the life of God within.
Galatians 5:25 “If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.”