Hebrews 2:10-11 “For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things, and through whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to perfect the author of their salvation through sufferings. For both He who sanctifies and those who are sanctified are all from one Father; for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren. “
We hear it often: ‘God is our Heavenly Father.’ That is certainly true. However, I suspect that many know this truth only in their minds-they sincerely believe it to be true. This was personally true for me; for many years I would be quick to say that God was my Father. But just a few years ago, God worked in such a way that I began to know in my spirit, in the deepest part of my being, that God truly was my Father-and what a difference it made. I cannot fathom how the Creator God, the God of all power, wisdom and knowledge is my Father. God knew us long before we were born; He even ‘weaved us together in our mothers womb.’ Jesus came to redeem us back to our Father; He is not ashamed to call us His brothers and sisters. Here is a major thought-and a truth-to meditate on: what are the implications of God being our Father? Here we go: because God is our Father, what do we have to fear? What do we have to worry about? Why should we have doubt? Why be anxious? The amazing thing is that when in the very core of our being we know that God is our Father, our life changes radically. Sure, we face trials and difficulties, but because God is our Father, we know that He is at work and that He is watching over us and using all things for our good and for His glory. Nothing is outside of God’s ability to use it for His purpose. Our Father will comfort us and guide us, but He will also correct us when we need it-that’s His love at work. Also, there is no need to fear sickness; God is bigger than sickness. Even though we live in a fallen word where there is discord and trials, our Father is still in control and He is working all things for His ultimate purpose. Our Father never leaves us or forgets about us; He watches over us. I go back to what I said above; if God is our Father, what do we have to worry about or fret over? It really sounds to good to be true-but it is true! We must be about our responsibilities in life and we have to work through some ‘stuff,’ BUT God is always at work in us and He is transforming us into His own image in the process. Let us ‘take our foot off the gas,’ let us relax in God, let us enjoy our Father, let us lay aside the fretting and worry, let us find time to laugh, let us enjoy those in our circle of relationships. Let us not forget that God came that we might have abundant life-even in the difficult times. We have been born of God-and that is major.
Isaiah 64:7 “Yet, Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay and you our potter: we are all the work of your hand.”
1 John 3:1 “See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are.”
Blessings, Buddy