Colossians 2:2-4: “that their hearts may be encouraged, having been knit together in love, and attaining to all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding, resulting in a true knowledge of God’s mystery, that is, Christ Himself, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. I say this in order that no one may delude you with persuasive argument.”
As believers, we must understand that all of the blessings that are available to us do not happen automatically. As we read the scriptures, we quickly realize that there is a battle taking place and this battle centers around understanding “God’s mystery, that is, Christ Himself, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” It was Paul’s desire and his passion for the believers to “attain to all the wealth” that comes by understanding this mystery of God. Paul’s use of the word ‘attaining’ denotes the fact that understanding this mystery does not happen automatically for the believer. To know that Christ is in us and to know that in Christ are hidden all wisdom and knowledge, results in “the full assurance of understanding.” There is no greater understanding, no greater revelation, no greater knowledge, and no greater pursuit than that of attaining the awareness of the riches that are in Christ. Because the treasures that are in Christ or ‘hidden,’ only believers in Christ have the opportunity to understand this great mystery of God, that is, Christ in us. If understanding this mystery is not automatic for the believer, then it becomes a matter of ‘attaining to this understanding,’ which leads to the question of how we ‘attain.’ I know of no set formula or ten easy steps to attain to the understanding of this mystery, but by reading the scriptures, we find our answers. Having a hunger and a passion to know God is the starting point to discovering the mystery of God that is in Christ, and as one reads the scriptures out of this hunger to know Him, God will begin to reveal the riches that are in Christ. It’s amazing, but even the desire to know God is something that God puts in our hearts-and that is a beginning point of understanding the riches that are in Him. Just as in the day of Paul, we must be on guard against anything or any teaching that would distract us from the truth that all wisdom and knowledge are in Christ, and that He is in us and we are in Him. When we personally discover the riches that are in Christ, we will be encouraged, and we will be expressions of the love of God. Let us not settle for less than God has for us; let us be sure that we attain the wealth that comes with knowing the riches that are in Christ.
Philippians 3:14: “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
PS: We will find the Christian life to be difficult, and we will not enjoy a sense of being complete, until we discover the riches that are in Christ.