Matthew 4:17 “From that time Jesus began to preach and say, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.’”
There is a tendency for us to think of the kingdom of heaven as being in heaven-up there somewhere. Jesus’ coming to earth was heaven invading earth. The kingdom of God coming to earth is the epic event of all times. The kingdom came without the fanfare that one would expect; it came with the birth of Jesus in a lowly stable in a small village. Yet, this Jesus was the Son of God, and His mission was that of redeeming and restoring fallen man. Jesus, through the life He lived and the words He spoke, demonstrated the Kingdom of God. Those who believed and received the message of Jesus, were saved and were transferred from the kingdom of the world into the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is spiritual in nature, but it certainly has for reaching implications in the physical life we live in the here and now. There are only two kingdoms; the kingdom of Satan, which is characterized by darkness, and the kingdom of God which is characterized by light, and there is no blending of the two. Even in the day in which we live, it is still true that the “kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Even as believers, we can become dull in spirit and miss the reality and the realization of living in the kingdom of heaven here on earth. The Kingdom of God is a real kingdom with God as the king, or ruler, and the way of life in the kingdom is clearly defined in the word of God. Note that Jesus began the message in this verse with the word “repent.” Repentance means to change directions, to admit that we are going in the wrong direction. To enter the kingdom of God, one must first come to the awareness that his ways are wrong and that he stands in need of a savior. Repentance is a way of dis-owning the kingdom of the world-and then receiving the kingdom of God. Certainly, faith in the massage Jesus proclaimed is the key ingredient in becoming a part of God’s family and the kingdom of God. If we have never trusted Jesus as Savior, then let us repent and find salvation in Jesus. If we are not experiencing the blessings of living in the kingdom of God, then perhaps we, even as believers, need to repent of living according to our own dictates and not according to the kingdom of God as defined in the Scriptures. When Jesus said that the kingdom of heaven ‘was at hand,’ He was saying that the kingdom was with Him, it was near. Let us not live as though the kingdom was ‘near,’ but let us receive the ‘kingdom of heaven’ that God grants to all who trust in Jesus as Savior. I’m reminded of something that Denis Peacock once said: “I was saved to be a portal through which Heaven comes to earth through me.” May each of us be that portal-may we be living demonstrations of the kingdom of God.
Luke 12:32 “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom.”