At the birth of Jesus, the multitude of angels erupted in praise to God and they announced peace on earth because the Savior had been born. Up until the birth of Jesus, the future of man looked rather bleak because man could not keep the commandments of a Holy God and the sin of man was THE problem for all. The birth of a Savior was prophesied in the Old Testament but the prophets did not understand in detail how are when the salvation of sinful man would be accomplished. The birth (and death and resurrection) of Jesus is the pinnacle, the climax of all history and everything revolves around His birth, and His later resurrection. One day in history approximately 2000 years ago, God became a man! Jesus chose to lay aside His existence in heaven with His Father and all of its glory and splendor and take on the form of man. In my own mind, I can envision Jesus taking off His royal robe and saying to His Father; “I will go and I will pay the price to redeem my brothers and sisters-those that we love.” I cannot totally comprehend the fact that Mary held God in her arms-cuddled Him, kissed His cheek, fed Him and dressed Him! God coming to earth through His Son Jesus was and is the most awesome plan ever executed. Jesus was all man and He was all God. Because Jesus was all man, He understands the frailty and weakness of man. Jesus worked a job, ate meals, and I’m sure He played in the yard at times; yet never committed even one sin. As God’s plan unfolded, Jesus knew that He was destined to be crucified on a cruel Roman cross as THE sacrifice for all sins once for all. The holiness of God requires a sacrifice for sin and Jesus was the sacrifice-the perfect Lamb. God so loved the world-that’s you and I-that He was willing for His own Son to be the sacrifice that would usher in salvation for His people. If Jesus had not been born, then you and I would have never experience life as God planned and we would have hell as our destiny. I heard a song lately and one of the lines is: “Satan never counted on the resurrection” and “Satan never counted on the love that God had for me”, and certainly that is true. All of the plans of our enemy to kill and destroy us in effort to get back at God who cast him out of heaven because of his pride, was derailed-Satan was disarmed when Jesus came! Because we become so familiar with the story of the birth of Jesus we may find ourselves taking it for granted and missing the full impact of the indescribable gift of the birth of our Savior. I would imagine that if we saw the birth of Jesus from the angels’ perspective and from God’s perspective, we would forever be in awe of Jesus coming in the flesh to save us from our sins. There is scripture that says that; “those who are forgiven much, love much.” If and when we realize how much we have been forgiven by the coming of Jesus to earth, we will forever be grateful for the birth of our Savior. May we take time to once again contemplate as well as be freshly impacted by the miraculous birth of our Savior.
Luke 2:10-14: “And the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you great news of a great joy which shall be for all people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in clothes, and lying in a manger.’ And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.’