Hebrews 2:11: “For both He who sanctifies and those who are sanctified are all from one Father; for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren.”
When the truth of this scripture becomes revelation in our spirit and in our minds, we cannot remain the same. This truth cannot be understood or believed except the Holy Spirit reveals it to us. I think that perhaps one of the greatest desires Jesus had was that we would come to know that He and ourselves have the same Father. Can we-do we- know deep within that we are from God-that God is our real Father? It is astounding to know that Jesus is our brother! Here is what I believe about God being our Father. Long before we were born physically, God knew us-we were in His heart. He knew when and where we would be born physically; He even “weaved us in our mother’s womb” (Psalm 139:13); and He knew who our earthly parents would be. Before we were born, God knew the number of days we would live on earth; He knew the color of our hair; He knew, and He knows every detail of our physical being. No matter who our earthly father or mother may be, or no matter the circumstances surrounding our birth, our birth was no accident whatsoever, and it was no “surprise” to our real Father. It is awesome to know that we were “fathered” by God! Since the beginning, God knew that Adam and Eve would sin against God, and God knew that man would be in need of a Savior. Jesus’ coming to earth was not by accident, nor was it just a random act of God. Jesus’ coming to earth was for a specific purpose, and that was too redeem His brothers and sisters that God knew from the beginning. Jesus was not coming to earth for someone He did not know-He came for those that the Father had given to Him. The specific purpose of Jesus’ coming included revealing the fact that He and we have the same Father. In John 20:17 Jesus said: “I ascend to My Father and your Father, and My God and your God.” Knowing, understanding, and believing in the core of our being that God is our Father has tremendous implications for us. Our Father is totally trustworthy. Our Father loves us, and anything that happens to us must be allowed by our Father. Since God is sovereign and since God is our Father; what have we to fear? What is there that we have to worry about? What is there that would bring us to a state of depression? What or who can separate us from the love of our Father-can sickness or even death separate us? It is key for us to know that God has not promised us a life free from difficulty and trials, but He has promised that all things work together for our good when we walk in His ways. If our Father allows sickness, difficulty, suffering, trials, or unpleasant circumstances, we can rest in the fact that God has a purpose in whatever we are experiencing. There is total freedom in trusting our Father for every detail of life. Does all of this mean that we are naive or oblivious or insensitive to the difficulties that life presents? Of course not. We do face battles; we are called to fight the good fight; but we do so knowing that our sovereign Father is ruling and reigning and He has our good in mind all of the time. Whatever difficulties we face, as unpleasant as they may be, God is using them to transform us to His image. The implications of God being our Father may sound too good to be true-but they are true-and it all reveals just how great our Father is, and how much love He has for us. It may sound strange, but coming to know God as Father in some way causes us to have a child-like faith and trust in Him. Knowing God as Father simplifies life, it eliminates unnecessary stress, it gives confidence, it takes away fear, and it brings peace. Let us ask God to give us the revelation we need to know Him as Father. We were born with a destiny-a destiny to know God as Father.
1 John 3:1: “See how great a love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called the children of God, and such we are.”
Luke 12:29-32: “And do not seek what you shall eat, and what you shall drink, and do not keep worrying. For all these things the nations of the world eagerly seek; but your Father knows that you need these things. But seek for His kingdom, and these things shall be added to you. Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom.”