John 12:47 “I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world.”
Matthew 7:1 “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you.”
These are likely familiar passages. Even many non-believers are familiar with these verses. We are quick to agree that we are not to judge another. But I suspect that many of us are not totally innocent when it comes to judging others; we may not call it ‘judging,’ but judging is judging no matter what we call it. The message we must get is that Jesus, the perfect one who never sinned, did not come to judge the world even though He saw the sinfulness of man on every hand. Here is the question for us-the take home point: if Jesus did not come to judge the world, why in the world would we ever judge? Jesus did not overlook sin, but He was out to redeem and to save sinners. Our posture should be the same. We are heirs of salvation; we are the saved ones; we are the ones through whom the gospel should shine forth, pointing to Jesus, the Savior of those who are lost. Judging others is a big deal. It’s not our calling to go about pointing out the sins of others and condemning others. For one thing, we really do not know what is in the heart of another and we do not know the motives of others. It just makes all the sense in the world from a biblical view, not to judge-it’s just that simple. Again, our calling is not to be judges, but to be ambassadors of the kingdom of God; to be light bearers; and to demonstrate the love of God. Just as Jesus saw the sinfulness of man, so can we see sin in all of it’s ugliness. Judging happens easily; it can be subtle; we can find other names for it; and it can make us feel better about our own sins and shortcomings. So, let us understand that sinners sin; but also let us understand it’s not our place to judge, but to be those who represent the love and compassion of Jesus to those who need a Savior.
Luke 6:37 “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.”
Blessings, Buddy