Acts 10:34-35 “And opening his mouth, Peter said: I most certainly understand now that God is not one to show partiality, but in every nation the man who fears Him and does what is right, is welcome to Him.”
This is one of those verse that seems so simple, we pass over it. However, this passage has a message for us. To begin with, Peter ‘opened his mouth.’ When opportunities present themselves, we must open our mouths as speak what God would have us speak. In the first part of Acts 10 God made it clear that the gospel was for the Gentiles as well as the Jews-and that was a shocker for the Jewish leaders of that day. The point is that Peter was willing to do an about face and to lay aside his convictions that were not in line with the gospel. Many are unwilling to change what they believe even though it may be in conflict with the gospel. God revealed to Peter that God does not show partiality; our culture is based on partiality. It is refreshing to see that God does not show partiality-and neither should we. I have to admit that when I see someone that is dressed really weird or is unclean looking, or whatever, my tendency is to avoid that person-and that is not pleasing to God. (God forgive me and may I not show partiality.) Another seemingly simplistic truth we see in this passage is that God welcomes those who fear Him and does what is right. How could that be more clear? If we have a healthy fear of God, our actions will reflect that. This fear of God is a reverence for God and a deep awareness that we are each accountable to Him for the life we live-that’s a healthy fear. The admonition to ‘do what is right’ is refreshing and uncomplicated. Because He is holy, we are to be holy in conduct. Our motive for doing what is right should not be to earn His approval or to avoid chastisement, but we do what is right because that is who we are in Him. So, let’s keep it simple; let’s have a healthy fear of God and do what is right; when we do that, we are welcomed by Him. I might add; we do what is right in His eyes, not ours.
James 4:17 “So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.”
Ephesians 2:10 “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
Blessings, Buddy