Acts 6:3: “Therefore, brethren, select from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we may put in charge of this task.”
Acts 11:24: “for he was a good man, and full of the Holy Spirit and of faith. And considerable numbers were brought to the Lord.”
After the resurrection of Jesus, the church was born. The twelve disciples that Jesus had spent three years with became the Apostles and leaders of the early church. The church was flourishing and the large numbers of new converts to the faith presented the need for others to help in ministering to the believers. Instructions were given to identify seven men who had a good reputation, and who were full of the Spirit and of wisdom. We readily understand what it means to have a good reputation and what it means to be wise. But what does it mean to be “full of the Spirit”? We can assume that there were many believers present at this gathering when the instruction was given to identify these seven men, but not all were full of the Spirit. This may sound like a contradiction in light of the fact that the Holy Spirit indwells every believer. New converts do receive the Holy Spirit when they accept Jesus as Savior, but then a maturing process begins. How one responses to the work of the Holy Spirit in him is a key factor in the maturing process. However, it is my belief that being full of the Spirit is not necessarily the same as being mature in the faith. Being full of the Spirit means that one is living according to the Spirit and not according to self. At salvation, God gives us a new identity-a new mind, a new spirit, and a new heart. Knowing our new identity and living in our new identity is the key to being full of the Spirit-this is the where the battle takes place. Self wants to be in control, but dying to self is essential if we are to be full of the Spirit. When we come to understand the awesome truth of our new nature and what all that implies, we have no problem dying to self. When we live out of our new nature, there is evidence: our hearts are full of the love of God; our thoughts are pure; we are concerned for others; we give; we have a desire to pleases the Lord in everything we do; we forgive others who have wronged us; we do not live in fear; we realize that we are a member of the kingdom of God; and we understand that we are called to be a part of His church. We must understand that these evidences of being full of the Spirit is not a list if things we must or should do, but are things we do because that is who we are! Becoming full of the Spirit is not a one-time experience, but is an ongoing, daily appropriating what it means to be a new creation in Christ and living out of our newness. Also, being full of the Spirit does not imply that we are perfect, but it does mean that we are attentive to what the Holy Spirit says to us and should He point something in us that is not pleasing to the Lord, we agree with Him and we turn from it. Being full of the Spirit does not mean that we are free trials and tribulations, but it does mean that we have the power to endure and overcome the difficulties we face in life. Finally, to be full of the Spirit is not reserved for a select few, but is available to all believers. Being full of the Spirit starts with a desire to know the God who has redeemed us to Himself and who has made us new, that we might live according to the Spirit.
Ephesians 5:18: “And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit.”