January 2, 2023 GIVING THANKS
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 “Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
Ephesians 5:20 “always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father.”
One thing for sure; we must get our focus off of the immediate troubles if we are to live out the instructions we find in these verses. We must not operate totally on our own reasoning and understanding; we cannot be guided by human wisdom and human interpretations of circumstances. These two verses, and really all of scripture, require faith. How can one ‘rejoice always’ when their love one suddenly dies, or when their house and all of their possessions are destroyed in a house fire. How can one ‘in everything give thanks’ when they have been diagnosed with a terminal illness. Are we really to give ‘thanks for all things?’ These are not easy questions to answer; but nonetheless, we must seek out what God is saying about giving thanks for all, and in all things. I do not think that God expects us to give thanks for having a terminal illness, or for any such circumstance; but I do believe that we are to give thanks for what He is going to do in and through adverse circumstances. That is where our faith is required. Often, when trials come, we see no way that good will come out of the trial; but that is when we must trust our loving, all-knowing Father-that He is working all things for our good if we love Him and are desiring to walk in His ways. Just as having an ungrateful heart produces bad fruit, a grateful or thankful heart produces good fruit. We can easily be thankful for the ‘good’ things in life, but learning to be thankful in all things and for all things takes us to a new and better life-a life of trusting God, knowing that He ultimately will use even the most difficult times for our good and for His glory. So, even though we may not ‘feel’ like it or even though we do not understand why God has allowed certain trials to come our way, let us be ones who gives thanks to God for all things-just as He instructs us to do. Remember that God is sovereign and remember that He loves us and will never forsake us. (It goes without saying, but it is fundamental that we love God and are walking according to His leading; in other words, if we are not walking according to the ways of God but are living according to our own dictates, then we will miss out on some of the blessings and promises of God.)
Philippians 4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God.”