January 11, 2017 HOPE
Psalm 25:5: “Guide me in Your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in You all day long.”
Colossians 1:27: “To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”
Someone defined hope as: “the confidence expectation, the sure certainty that what God has promised in His word is true, has occurred, and or will in accordance with God’s sure word.” The hope that the world offers is tied to circumstances with no assurance that what is hoped for will come to past, while the hope that comes from God is sure and steadfast regardless of circumstances. As believers, we can know with certainty that what God has spoken in His word and what God will speak will be done; the knowledge that the word of God is THE source of hope, serves as a motivation for becoming students of the word. Hope that is based on God is not passive and it does not lead us to inactivity where we are ‘just waiting on God,’ and it is not an escape from reality nor from problems. Often, having unmet expectations is the culprit of being without hope. It is crucial that our beliefs, that our view of life, and that our hope is based on biblical truth. For example, if I believe that because I am a Christian, I will not experience problems or trials; that is an unbiblical expectation that will lead to confusion and discouragement and will rob me of hope. A proper understanding of biblical truth is that we will for a fact experience trials and difficulties in this life, but God gives us strength for the struggles and He promises to use them for our good. Biblical hope is both active and powerful, and it is the dynamo for living. Trust and hope in God produces in us the energy and the stamina needed to be overcomers in life; without hope, we become spectators in life, resigned to living on the sideline of life. No matter our age, our health, our financial status, or our past, we can experience hope by placing our hope and trust in the God of all hope. No matter who you are, you can dream again, and you can have a sure confidence in life because God has not forsaken you and He is at work in you to transform you into the image of His Son. This hope is not just ‘spiritual’ or reserved for heaven, and it is not just in theory; this hope is the power for everything we do. Because we have a hope that endures, we can even find purpose in washing dishes, mowing the lawn, teaching a class, or, in whatever we do. Fine your hope in God, unleash all that God has put in you; refuse to live another day without hope. Finally, our hope in God is tied to our knowing Him personally, so spend time getting to know Him-you will not be disappointed.
Isaiah 40:31: “But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”