1 Peter 3:8-9 “To sum up, let all be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit; not returning evil for evil, or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead; for you were called for the very purpose that you might inherit a blessing.”
Those who believe in Jesus as Savior have been made new, the old has passed away, and now have the power and ability to live in such a way that their life resembles the life Jesus lived while on earth. It is in the heart of God for His people to live out of the new creation that He has made them, reflecting His very nature; in the Scriptures, we discover the characteristics and qualities of this new nature. Even though believers live in the world, they are not to live according to the ways of the world, but according to the ways of God. When the admonitions in the above verse are taken to heart and put into practice, amazing things happen-discord and strife cease and peace and joy flourish. These admonitions are not high and lofty unattainable goals, but are practical outworkings of Christ being in us. The commands and admonitions in this scripture, along with many other New Testament scriptures, are not things we ‘have to work on’ but are descriptions of who we are, revealing our new nature. Many believers would likely confess that the directives in the above verse are not a definition or description of the life they live on a consistent basis. Even within Christians families, and in the churches they are a part of, there is conflict, strife, disagreement, and ‘hurt feelings,’ that comes as a result of individuals not living out of their new identity. There is only one reason that any believer would not be living according to this verse. As alluded to above, contrary to popular belief, living this verse out is not difficult, but is a natural way of living once the ‘eyes of our heart’ are opened and we understand in our innermost being that God did not ‘refurbish’ us at salvation, but made us brand new creations-with a new heart, a new mind and a new spirit. Even though the Scriptures are abundantly clear on this point, it still remains as a mystery to many. Not understanding this reality of being new creations has major consequences. Most believers believe with their mind that God has made them new creations, but all too often, their actions contradict what they say they believe. Many view the Christian life as a life where you gradually improve by continually working on your weaknesses. That sounds logical-but it’s not the way of the gospel. Do not misunderstand-there is a maturing in the faith, but the maturing is all about discovering more about our new identity as a child of God. As often said, the life of a believer as depicted in the Scriptures does not happen automatically, but becomes a reality only as he understands the truth of the gospel and walks according to the Spirit. Our salvation is far greater than we currently understand; with our salvation comes the power to live in a way consistent with the gospel, reflecting the very nature of God to those around us. It is incumbent upon us to daily put on the new self and walk according to the Spirit if we are to live according to the gospel of God and experience the blessings He has for those who walk in His ways.
Colossians 2:6-7: “As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed and overflowing with gratitude.”