July 26, 2017 PUT ON THE NEW
In the previous blog, we saw that we have been made new and that we actually have a new nature-a nature that does not desire to sin. We also saw that walking in our newness does not happen automatically, and that our part is to choose to walk according to the Spirit. It is important to know that we cannot walk according to the Spirit and according to flesh at the same time-there is no blending of the two. The truth is that our new nature has a desire to do the things that please the Father, and God has made it possible for us to do just that! In Ephesians 4:22-24 we read: “that, in reference to your former manner of life, you lay aside the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lust of deceit, and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth.” It sounds rather simple that we can choose to lay aside the old self-and it is that simple because when we get a glimpse of the new, it’s easy to lay aside the old. Note that this verse tells us that the new self is the ‘likeness of God” and it “has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth.” Our old self has not been refurbished or updated, but a new nature has been created by God for us and given to us! Now, we have the opportunity to lay aside our old nature-the one that lives according to the flesh-and put on the brand new nature that God has created for us! This is a radical change. When we put on our new self, it becomes evident to us and to others because our new self is in the likeness of God-and when the ‘likeness of God’ is being demonstrated in flesh and bones, it will be obvious. That’s really what it’s all about-representing and demonstrating the very nature of God to a world in darkness. Walking with our new self in place, brings with it many rewards and blessings. Our new self puts us in direct link to the Father where we are partners with Him-and what could be greater and more fulfilling than partnering with God? When we put on the new us, life takes on a totally new and grand purpose. The new self expresses itself in practical ways. As we walk in our newness, we will find ourselves thinking healthy thoughts; preferring others over ourselves, being about blessing others; speaking words that build up; forgiving others who have wronged us; being at peace; not being fearful, and the list goes on-and the exciting part is that we will enjoy the things we do-with no regrets! No longer do we try to earn God’s approval and acceptance, but because He has accepted us and because He is pleased with us, we are free to express His very nature to those around us. Go ahead-lay aside your old self, and put on the brand new self that God has for you! Go ahead-walk according to the Spirt-that is what you were created to do.
Ephesians 5:1: “THEREFORE, be imitators of God, as beloved children;”