Luke 6:45: “The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil: for his mouth speaks from that which fills the heart.” It is always amazing to see how Jesus would speak volumes in just one or two sentences and what He spoke cut right to the real issues. Such is the case in this scripture. It is true that we talk about whatever fills our heart. There are times that when we may say things that others may want to hear or what is the “right” thing to say even though the words do not really flow from the heart. However, over time, we speak from what is in our heart. I also think that this is true of our self-talk as what we find ourselves saying to ourselves also reveals our heart. There are many scriptures that deal with the heart. As this verse states, our heart holds a treasure and that treasure can either be “good treasure” or it can be “evil treasure.” What determines if the treasure is good or evil? Simply put, I think there are only two options. One, when one is born again, he gets a new heart-he becomes a new creation. However, it is possible for the believer not to live and walk in his new identity and in such a case, the words he speaks may not flow from the “good” treasure. However, when a believer is walking with God, is sensitive to the Spirit, is obedient and is seeking Him first, his heart is filled with good treasure. The other option is when a person has not been converted- he does not know God, then there is no “good” treasure to fill the heart. The unconverted live for themselves and are left to mere human effort and endeavors. It is true that non-Christians can do what appear to be good deeds; they can speak kind words, etc. but they are acting and speaking on a human level only. For example, many non-Christians will give of their time and resources to bring relief to those who suffer loss in a disaster of some type and that is a good thing. The treasure that God deposits in our new heart far exceeds any other treasure. The scriptures teach that the “love of God has been shed abroad in our hearts” and His love is a super natural love that is infinitely greater than human love. As believers, we have available to us a “good treasure” and this treasure is such that, the more we bring forth, the more treasure we have-it will not be depleted. Let us make sure we are availing ourselves to the good treasure and let us purpose to bring forth, or share from this good treasure that does not diminish.
Ephesians 4:29: “Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those who hear.”
Psalms 19:14: “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.”