March 21, 2017 SNAPSHOT
We do at times suffer from an overload of information. The danger for us is that because we have ‘heard’ so much and are constantly bombarded with information, we may actually become dull of hearing. It seems that nothing ‘wows’ us or really gets our attention. Even in Christian circles, there is an avalanche of information flowing from books, sermons, and music, and so often conflicting opinions and interpretations of the scriptures are presented. The good news is that the gospel of the kingdom of God is sure and never changes, and for the one who has a desire to know God, the scriptures speak clearly, regardless of our intellect or educational background. Romans 12 gives us a good snapshot of what the Christian life is to look like, or the Christian life in real life action. Here’s the snapshot: presenting our bodies a living and holy sacrifice; renewing our minds; having sound judgement; exercising our spiritual gifting; abhorring what is evil; clinging to what is good; devoted to one another in brotherly love; honoring one another; being diligent; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope; persevering in tribulation; devoted to prayer; contributing to the needs of the saints; practicing hospitality; bless those who persecute us; rejoicing with those who rejoice and weeping with those who weep; being of the same mind toward one another; not being haughty in mind, but associate with the lowly; do not be wise in our on estimation; do not pay back evil with evil; respect what is right; do not take our own revenge; if our enemy is hungry, feed him; and do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good. This is not a complete ‘snapshot’ of the life of a believer, but it does depict much of what our life is to be if we belong to God. It is vitally important to see that this ‘snapshot’ is not a list of rules we must keep or things that we must ‘work on.’ The beauty is that all of these things listed above, are a result of knowing God and being transformed into His image. It is true that if we find ourselves walking according to the flesh and not according to our new identity in Christ, we need to be reminded of who we are, and that is what Romans 12 is about. There is a way in which we are to live as believers, and it can be lived only as a result of living out of the new heart and new spirit that God has given. Jesus demonstrated the way of life for us to follow. The early believers were called followers of the Way; they were called ‘Christians’ because their life resembled the life of Jesus.
James 1:22: “But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves.”
2 Corinthians 5:17: “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.”