Psalms: 90:12,14,16-17: “So teach us to number our days, that we may present to Thee a heart of wisdom. O satisfy us in the morning with Thy lovingkindness, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. Let Thy work appear to Thy servants, and Thy majesty to their children. And let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us; yes, confirm the work of our hands.”
These verses are the heart-cry of David for himself and for the people of God and they speak volumes about what really matters in life and they connect the awesome power of God with day-to-day life. This Psalm clearly expresses dependency on God and acknowledges His lordship over their lives. By “numbering our days,” we are putting life into right perspective and we see life as a gift from God and by understanding and by remembering that we have a limited number of days to live, we will value the days we do have. When we come to know and experience the lovingkindness of God in a personal way, we do have a sense of being satisfied because He fills the longings of our heart and the lovingkindness of God does arouse joy and gladness within us. It is interesting that David asked God to “let Thy work appear to Thy servants.” For whatever reason, we may think that God is not working and as a result, we become spiritually stagnant. The ability and discernment to see God at work in our lives and the lives of others is tied to our spiritual health. If by chance you are not seeing God at work, remember that God does not take break time, vacations, He has no days off work and He has never called in sick! There could be nothing grater, or even be compared to having the favor of God upon us. All believers to some degree have the favor of God in that they have been forgiven, etc. However, there is another dimension or level of the favor of God that some believers experience. Basically, when our hearts are completely His, when it is our desire to know Him above anyone or anything, and when we walk in obedience to His ways, we will experience His favor in greater ways. When His favor is upon us, we will find blessings and good things happening to us and around us that we can’t take credit for and we can’t explain it other than it’s God that did it. Part of the favor of God is that He does “confirm the work of our hands.” Whatever our vocation in life may be, whatever hobby we may have, and whatever the work of our hands may be, God will confirm, or make what we do successful when whatever we do is pleasing to Him. It pleases God when our full trust and faith is in Him, when knowing Him is our greatest desire, and when we know Him as Father. God confirming the work of our hands does not mean that everything we do will be easy or without challenge, or that we will make no mistakes, but it does mean that we will come to know that what we are doing pleases Him and we will experience His favor. If the prayer that David prayed is the passion and desire of our heart, we can be assured that God will answer because it is His desire to do the very things this prayer request.
2 Chronicles 16:9: “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.”
Psalms 147:11: “The Lord favors those who fear Him, those who wait for His lovingkindness.