2 Corinthians 5:18 “Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation,”
Colossians 3:23 “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for people.”
Many tend to view what they do as being either ‘spiritual’ or ‘secular.’ However, this view is in no way biblically based, and is in fact contrary to the clear teachings of the word of God. Distinguishing between what is spiritual and what is secular robs the believer of seeing that all that he or she does as being a ministry. Jesus, in His teaching and in His life, never separated the spiritual from the secular. Along this same thought, and another contradiction to scripture, is that of ‘clergy’ and ‘laity.’ By adopting these two mindsets regarding spiritual and secular, and clergy and laity, the impact of the gospel in the work place, at the mall, on the golf course, etc. is not what it could be if believers saw themselves as having a ministry to those in their circle of contacts. In Ephesians 4:11-13 we learn that God gives to the body, the church, certain ministries for the edification of the body, for the equipping of the members so that they can fulfill the ministry that God has for them. In our culture, many tend to see the ‘clergy’ or the ‘ministers’ as the ones who do the ministry and see themselves as the ‘laity’. Wikipedia gives this definition: “A layperson is a person who is not qualified in a given profession and/or does not have a specific knowledge of a certain subject.” Believers make up the body of Christ, the church, and each one has been given certain spiritual gift(s) and this gifting from the Lord defines their area of ministry. Let us as believers see the church as a place where we are equipped for the ministry to which we are called rather than merely a place we go to get blessed. Our ministry is to flow out of our relationship with our Father; our ministry is based on the love of God. As believers, we are His ambassadors and our mission in life is to represent Him. Ministry takes on many forms: it may be leading a bible study, visiting someone who is in need, encouraging others, helping someone with a project, giving council, mowing the neighbors grass-or whatever. The key is that we be in fellowship with God and be alert to the opportunities for ministry, and be alert to the leading of the Holy Spirit. We cannot meet every need we see, but we can be obedient to the direction of the Spirit within. And, by realizing that we are ministers as unto the Lord and by fulfilling our ministry, we will be blessed in the process.
1 Peter 4:10 “As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”
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