Colossians 4:17 “And say to Archippus, ‘Take heed to the misery which you have received in the Lord, that you may fulfill it.’’
Do not think that ‘ministry’ is only for certain individuals. In a very real sense, every believer has a ministry to fulfill. It’s true that some are called to be pastors, evangelist, or some other minister that is supported by the local church. However, in the kingdom of God, every believer has been given a ministry and it is ever so important to fulfill the ministry we have been given. Whether it is preaching to thousands or visiting someone who is sick and praying for them, both are equally important to God. Each of us have been uniquely gifted in some way and we are to be employing our gift to bless others. The idea that the pastor and the church staff are the ones who minister has had a negative impact on the effectiveness of the church. Whether it is at the work place, on the ball field, at the coffee shop, at the school board meeting-or wherever, we can be the ones who represents the kingdom of God. Also, within our immediate family we are called to minister to the needs of the family members and to be agents of peace and encouragement. Of all the things we do, there is no higher calling than to minster in the way that God has called us to minister. I understand that we can easily get caught up in the routines of life, taking care of the nitty gritty of life, and before we know it, we are simply coasting through life. That is why Paul told someone to say to Archippus. “Take heed to the ministry you have received in the Lord, that you may fulfill it.’ Matthew 11:12 is an interesting verse in that it talks about taking the kingdom with force. I’m not sure of the exact meaning of this verse, but to me it is saying that we can not have a ho-hum attitude regarding the gospel and we can not just take life as it comes. We must be proactive and we must resist the tendency to be on auto pilot when it comes to fulfilling the ministry we have been given. So, let us be ones who understand that God has called us and equipped us for ministry.
1 Pete 4:10 “As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”