John 14:21 “He who has My commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves Me; and he who loves Me shall be loved by My Father, and I will love him, and will disclose Myself to him.”
To some, the idea of “keeping commandments” has a bad connotation and it seems to be contradictory to the popular message of grace that says it’s not what we do are don’t do, but it’s all about our “position in Christ.” (I think we have bought into the lie that gives us a negative view of the word “commandment.”) It is clear in scripture that we are saved by the grace of God and not by works-thank God for His grace. However, there is a perception, or a notion, in Christian circles that causes one to settle just for the fact that they are going to heaven when they die. The danger of having such a perception is that it causes one to separate what he does-his actions-from the basic teaching of the gospel. The truth is, that being saved by grace is the starting point of our relationship with our Father-a relationship that transforms us into His image. The love that God has for us is the catalyst for our transformation and as we come to know His love, it becomes natural for us to want to keep His ways-His commandments. The undisputable, undeniable, and plain truth of this scripture is that if we are not living according to His ways, keeping His commandments, then we do not love Him. Does this mean that we have to be perfect to love Him? Of course not. But it does mean that I have a desire to keep His commandments, and when I do fail, I keep His commandment by confessing and turning from what does not please Him. The promises of this verse are awesome! When we demonstrate our love for God by keeping His commandments, we will be loved by the Father, and by Jesus-and, the icing on the cake is that Jesus will disclose Himself to us! What more could we ask for than to be loved by the Father and by the Son-and for Jesus to disclose Himself to us? God is about relationship-not a list of rules. Every command He has given is based on His love for us and are designed to deepen our relationship with Him, and they are for our own good. To ignore His commands insures an unfulfilled life and a life of regret and disappointment. The relationship that God desires is not a one-way relationship, but a relationship where He relates to us, and we relate to Him. We were separated from God with no hope of a relationship with Him, but He initiated the relationship and our restoration by sending His Son that we might be restored to Him. If by chance you are bored with life, or do not have a vibrant relationship with your heavenly Father, then take Him at His word-begin to develop a heart that says “yes” to His commandments. As you begin to implement His commandments-place value on what He has said-you will begin to sense that your relationship with your Father is budding, and you will find Jesus disclosing Himself to you. Keeping the commandments of God becomes a natural desire once we encounter, once we know His love for us. God is anxious for us to know Him and to enjoy fellowship with Him. Grace is the door to knowing God, and the keeping of His commandments, because we love Him, leads to life.
Psalm: 119:105: “Thy word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path.”
Revelation 14:12: “Here is the perseverance of the saints who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus.”