August 21, 2016 THE HEART FOLLOWS
Matthew 6:21: “for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
The truth of this verse cannot be denied; the heart is always locked in on the treasure. The avid hunter, fisherman, golfer, gardener, cook, artist, or whoever cannot disguise for very long where their treasure lies. The question is how did our treasure come to be the treasure, or in other words, do we have the power to pick and choose what we treasure? Certainly, we all have various likes and dislikes, certain temperaments and personalities, each of us is unique, and that is how God made us. However, when we become aware of an area of our life that needs to be changed or adjusted, we must not use the excuse of “that’s just the way I’m made.” To acknowledge that we have influence and choices as to what we allow to capture our hearts is to acknowledge the truth. We may have a lot of things we enjoy doing, but I’m convinced that we have one dominant treasure that directs and energizes our lives. Honestly, I don’t know exactly how one goes about choosing what they treasure, but I do know that the more we discover about God, the more we want to know about Him and as our knowledge of Him increases, we soon find that nothing else compares to Him and He becomes our treasure. We can settle for lesser treasures, but they ultimately fail to satisfy our hearts completely; in fact, God designed us in such a way that only He can fulfill the longings of our hearts. Having a relationship with God as our treasure, does not mean that we must forsake all other enjoyment or pursuits, but it does mean that whatever we do flows out of that relationship. In fact, when God is our treasure, He “richly supplies us with all things to enjoy.” (1 Timothy 6:17) As we take steps, as we turn our hearts toward knowing God, He will begin to reveal Himself to us and as we begin to see Him for who He is, we will find that nothing else compares and He will become our treasure. Let us enjoy all that God supplies, but let us not waste time and energy pursuing treasures that do not deliver what they promise. Our God is a good God and because He designed our very makeup, He alone is the one who gives life to the fullest, who satisfies the heart, who gives the ultimate purpose in life, and the one that gives us His Spirit that enables us to live a super-natural life-He is the ultimate treasure!
Matthew 13:44: “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.”