Matthew 6:33 “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
The last blog hopefully answered some questions and gave some clarity about why or how we need to pursue the Lord if we already have Him; we have been joined to Him, and He lives in us. It was pointed out that now that we belong to Him, our pursuit is to be that of expressing and demonstrating with our life the things that are of the kingdom of God-love, patience, etc. At the end of the last blog, it was noted that there is a way in which we are to seek the Lord, and that is the subject for today. I believe that being expressions of the kingdom of God comes as a result of knowing our true identity in the Lord, not only in our mind, but in the deepest part of our being. That identity is the awareness that we have been made new creations, have been given new hearts, minds and spirits, and have been joined to Him-a lot more could be said about that-but you get the point. The seeking or pursuing that we are to be about is that of getting to know Him, and as we get to know Him, we discover who we are! So, in a very real sense, we can spend our life time getting to know Him better, discovering more about Him, and learning more about the implications of being joined to Him. God is pleased when we hunger to know Him more fully, and when we do hunger for Him, He reveals more of Himself to us. There is another sense in which we seek the Lord and that is in intercession where we ask God to intervene in the life of another person or to give wisdom where needed, etc. As I said last time, this all may sound like a play on words, but I believe that some of us need this clarity. The main point in all of this is for us to grasp the truth of the fact that we have been joined to Him and made new, and that nothing g can separate us from Him; we have Him now, and He has us, now! The words of a popular worship song has it right: “make us more aware of your presence Lord.” May the Holy Spirit ‘open the eyes of our hearts’ that we may understand more clearly what it means to be made one with Him, that we have been made new, and that He invites us to seek to learn more of Him. Jesus death on the cross secured our relationship with our Father-it’s a ‘done deal:’ now, it’s our part to discover and to express the awesome implications of such a relationship.
1 John 3:1a “See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God;”
Ephesians 5:8-10 “for you were formerly darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of light (for the fruit of the light consist in all goodness and righteousness and truth), trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord.”