If not alert and on guard, life becomes complicated. Without realizing it, we may have come to a place where we have more questions about life than we do answers. We live in a time when there seems to be a crisis on every hand. It is difficult to listen to the news and not become depressed as we hear of wars and terrorism, disaster, plane crashes, the evils of illegal drugs, financial troubles, crime, price increase, loss of personal freedom, corruption in high places, breakup of the home, sickness, political correctness, immorality and the list could go on. Even for the believer, life can become complicated and even depressing if not careful. The good news is that we have a God who knows the plight of man when man turns from God. Even though we are indeed concerned about the world in which we live, we should not be surprised about the state of the world as the world does not recognize or know God. God has made provision for those who have placed their faith in Him whereby they can find peace and purpose even in a world where chaos and unrest reign. As mentioned above, even for the believer, life can become overwhelming. In spite of a having a “church on every corner”, and having Christian bookstores whose shelves are lined with “Christian” books dealing with every subject, and having “Christian” television networks on the air 24/7, many believers are still longing for answers and clarification in life. To add to the problem, the gospel has been diluted and compromised in such a way that those listening are not hearing the real gospel that does transform and give meaning to life. Finally, we live in a day when “information” is king. Information is good, but acquiring information for the sake of information is futile. The grand and glorious truth is that God has not made life complicated-man does that. There is one pursuit in life that will fill any voids in our life and it will bring about purpose in life. In Ephesians 5:10 Paul in just nine words reveals a key pursuit that would serve us well if it is our pursuit as well. “…trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord.” Having this mindset simplifies life in a beautiful way in that it gives us a single focus. There are many issues competing for our attention and if not alert, we will be drawn away from the key focus as set forth in this verse. The strategy of our enemy is to get our mind off of the main purpose-that of knowing and pleasing God. Some say that we are pleasing to God already because we are in Christ. I beg to differ with this view. Yes, God loves us as we are and He has placed us in His family through Christ. However, Christians can live life in ways that are not pleasing to God. If I lie, steal, become immoral, etc. God is not pleased. God is a being who has “feeling”, He has desires, He has compassion and He IS love. To say that God is great is an understatement, but God is great and awesome and we can spend a life time getting to know Him and learning what brings pleasure to Him. As we read and study God’s word, we discover what pleases Him and what is not pleasing to Him. So, let us not be dismayed, discouraged, overwhelmed with all that is going on in the world (yes-pray for the world) but let us purpose to learn what is pleasing to the Lord AND DO IT!
2 Corinthians 11:3: “But I am afraid, lest as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds should be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.”