Acts 17:11-12: “Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily, to see whether these things were so. Many of them therefore believed, along with a number of prominent Greek women and men.”
In Thessalonica, the Jewish religious leaders became jealous of Paul and the scripture tells us that they took some “wicked men from the market place” and formed a mob, and “set the city in an uproar.” Being concerned for their life, during the night, some of the brethren sent Paul and Silas to Berea. As was the custom of Paul, when he and Silas got to Berea, he began to expound on the scriptures teaching that Jesus was the Son of God. The scriptures pay a great compliment to the Bereans when it is said that the Bereans “were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica.” Surely it was a great blessing to Paul and Silas when they came to Berea, where they found many who were open to the scriptures. As we read this portion of scripture, we naturally have to ask ourselves if we view the scriptures like the Bereans did. We can learn a lot form what we are told about the Bereans and we too can be “more noble-minded” than those who reject the teachings of scripture without examining them. The Bereans not only received the word, but they did so with “great” eagerness. It is possible for us to read the word with a casual mindset (and there may be a place for that) that lacks a sense of eagerness. When we read the scriptures, we should read with the awareness that we are reading a super-natural book that was and is inspired by God-the Creator of the universe. In His word, we find the wisdom that comes from God-we find forgiveness-we find life-we find our identity-we find purpose and we find all that we need. Let not our familiarity with the scriptures cause us to be less that “eager” when we read to scriptures. It is also important to note that the Bereans did not simply read the scriptures, but they “examined” the scriptures, and they did so “daily.” The Bereans viewed the scriptures as being the truth, and rightly so, they searched the scriptures to see if what Paul was teaching was indeed true. Today, there are an innumerable number of teachers of scriptures, and much of what we may be hearing is not in accordance to scripture. Just for example; the message of some teachers, preachers and authors is basically a message on how to improve “self.” We are told that if we re-commit our life, if we pray more, if we memorize more scripture, if we attend church more regularly, if we give more to the church, if we give up this or that-then we will be “better” Christians. When you examine scripture, you discover that it is God’s plan that “self”, or the old man, die. You find that God has made us “new creations” with new hearts, new spirits, and new minds and now it is our nature to do the things that please the Lord. Living the Christian life is not about rules and regulations, but about living according to the new person that God has made us to be. There are many subtle, as well as overt teachings that are rooted in the Old Covenant-not the new and better Covenant that Jesus ushered in. Even Paul, and other writers of the New Testament, on many occasions had to correct, and remind believers that they were no longer under the Old Covenant. Scriptures do tell us that we are not to abuse our freedom in Christ, and we are not to view grace as an opportunity to sin. Also, my freedom in Christ does not mean that I can now just do whatever I want to do-when I want to do it. The life we now live is to reflect the nature of God-yes, we do love others, we do give-we do gather with other believers-we do the things that please the Lord- and we do think the right thoughts. It is possible for us to sin, but it is no longer our nature to sin-we have a new nature now. The BIG deal for us is to discover our true identity as sons and daughters of God-to discover the new person that we are. All of this is possible only because of the grace and work of God in us-our best self-effort is insufficient. So, let us examine the scriptures with eagerness, daily-so that we can discover all that God has said about us indeed true. May we have a “receiving” attitude and heart when we examine the scriptures.