If we belong to Christ, it is because He paid a great price for us; He paid for our sins, making us debtors. The good news is that we are not debtors to the flesh, but debtors to walking in the Spirit. This is a great debt to “owe”. It is not far-fetched to say we “owe” this because Jesus paid the highest price to redeem us from our most lost condition, deserving of hell, having no righteousness of our own. Jesus purchased us with His blood. Jesus did not purchase us to have us as His slaves but to set us free in deed. We are now “slaves of righteousness” however. To choose to not walk “after the Spirit” would be the greatest travesty. I think it is proper and in line with scripture to realize that we are indeed debtors, not free to choose our own way, but called by our Lord to walk after the Spirit. It may sound contradictory, but we can be free only by being slaves; slaves in the sense that my life is not my own. In fact, when we lose our lives, we find our lives. The root of unredeemed human nature is self-preservation whereas in the Kingdom of God, giving ourselves to Him is the norm. God has set everything up so that real life is found only in Him. So, let us realize and confess that we are indeed in debt to walk after the Spirit and not fulfill the desires of the flesh.
1 Corinthians 6: 20: “For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.”