In the book of Ephesians we learn about our new identity in Christ and what it means to be made new creations. As in the last blog, the old person was not simply renovated-but made totally new and given a new heart and a new mind, enabling us to live as God originally designed. In this blog, we will look at some of the descriptions of the new person as found in the book of Ephesians, and may it be our prayer that God will continue to open our eyes to see more clearly what it means to be made new.
“We have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ.”
We have been chosen by God and adopted by Him.
“He has lavished upon us all wisdom and insight.”
We have been given the Holy Spirit to live in us.
God has made us alive together with Christ and has raised us up with Christ and we are seated with Christ in heavenly places.
We are His workmanship-created for good works.
We now “walk in a manner worthy of the Lord.”
We are gifted by God.
We lay aside the old self and put on the new self.
We speak truth and we live in love.
We now speak words that build up and are kind to one another, forgiving each other.
We imitate God. (Wow!)
We are now light in the Lord and this light consist in goodness and righteousness and truth.
We do the things that please the Lord.
We make the most of our time.
We understand what the will of the Lord is for us.
We make melody in our heart and we can give thanks in all things.
We are strong in the Lord.
We put on the armor of God so that we stand strong.
With our faith, we overcome.
Throughout the scriptures we find descriptions and insights as to what it means to be made new and we come to realize that the new birth (being born again) is indeed a new birth! This new birth is where the old man is crucified and we become a new person with a new heart and a new mind. The new birth is quite radical in the fact that old things pass away and new things come-we are actually transformed. However, as it has been said many times in recent blogs, knowing our new identity and walking in our newness is not automatic for the believer. Coming to discover our new identity starts with a desire to know God above all else and we come to know God through the reading and study of His word while asking Him to reveal truth to us. We need to approach God’s word with an open heart and mind without preconceived ideas that may prevent us from seeing the truth of the scripture and we must be willing to change what we believe if we find that it conflicts with God’s word. Finally, we must adjust our thinking so that our thoughts are based on what God says is true, and we must put into action, or obey, the scriptural admonitions and commands that come to us from our Father who is the giver of all good things.