Colossians 3:23: “Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men; knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.”
There is a tendency for us to classify the things we do as either “spiritual” or “non-spiritual.” Attending church, visiting the sick, reading the bible, etc., is seen as “spiritual”; while playing golf, shopping, watching the super bowl, etc., is seen as “non-spiritual.” As believers, we have no doubt bought into the idea of some activities being secular and some being spiritual. There is great liberty and freedom when we come to realize that everything we do can and should be done “as unto the Lord.” We have been transferred, born into the kingdom of God, and now all that we do is to flow out of being the sons and daughters of God. Those who are in the kingdom of God have different and greater reasons and a different motivation for doing the things they do. For one who does not know God, his influence and impact is limited to the here and now, whereas the believer has the opportunity to go beyond the natural and the temporal. There could be no greater opposites than that of one believing that when one dies, that’s the end; and one believing that life on earth is temporary and death is the doorway to an eternity in heaven. Believers have already been joined to the Father and we are now eternal beings who are living on planet earth, and now, all that we do can be done as unto the Lord. Our thoughts, our actions, our character, and our attitude should all be reflecting the new person that God us made us to be. It’s a giant step forward for us when see that what we do is done not for men, but as unto the Lord. When we do what we do as unto the Lord, we are reflecting the character of God-and that is the awesome part of this verse. Quality, thourghiness, beauty, perseverance, order, and originality are all a part of Gods’ character and these traits are to be expressed in what we do. Once we understand and apply this truth, life will not be mundane. Even what we may call a medial task such as washing dishes, building a bird house, or whatever, takes on new meaning when we do it as unto the Lord. A life-changer is to realize that we are God’s representatives 24-7; where we live, where we work, where we “play”, and where we worship. Let us not overlook the word “heartily” in this verse. Whatever we do, let us do with whole-heartedness, with vigor, with diligence, and with perseverance. And let us not forget that we are to do what we do as unto the Lord so that the world will see that our God is wonderful, loving, all-powerful, and that He alone gives purpose to life. So, whatever you do today, do it as unto the Lord—and by the way, you will be rewarded!
Psalms 100:2: “Serve the Lord with gladness: come before His presence with singing.”
Romans 14:8: “For he who in this way serves Christ, is acceptable to God and approved by men.”
Romans 12:11: “not lagging behind in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.”