John 16:33: “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In this world you have tribulation, but take courage, I have overcome the world.” In a recent conversation with my son, he was asking the question that we all ask at times: “Why do bad things happen?” Recently, my son has had two associates that died unexpectedly and one that that experienced a serious heart condition and it has caused him to “wrestle” with why these things happen with no respect to person. I certainly can’t answer this question and nor do I think that anyone can answer in a definitive way. However, I think that in God’s word we can gain some understanding and we can find comfort when it comes to the issue of tragedy and trials. As a start, we need to accept the fact that we will have tribulation in this world just as Jesus said we would in the verse above. We all know that we reap some “bad” things as a result of wrong decisions and choices on our part. For example, if I allow myself to be addicted to drugs, trouble will come my way. We can also say for certain that when one chooses to disregard all that God has said, there will be a harvest of bad fruit. But what about the one who loves God that experiences tragedy and trial that is not of their own making? Before Adam and Eve sinned, earth was a paradise-a perfect place to live. However, sin entered the world when Adam and Eve sinned and since that time, man has lived in a fallen world. In this fallen world, we see the result, or the fruit of sin. However, Jesus came to this fallen world to redeem and bring salvation to all who believe in Him. As Christians, we have been forgiven and have been made new, but we still live in a fallen world-we are still waiting for our full redemption. When Jesus returns, we will get a new body and evil will be done away with and what a great day that will be! In the meantime, it is God’s plan that we be light in a dark world, and that we overcome the darkness and evil that is present in the world in which we live. In a sense, God is allowing sin to run its course- but the course will end one day. Also, we must know that in our weakness and in our trial, God will be with us and He will show Himself strong on our behalf. When trials do come our way, we have the opportunity to demonstrate the power of God in the midst of the trial. Jesus, as well as the writers of the New Testament, and many others suffered trials and hardship, and their response is our example to follow even as we face our own trials. One thing that trials do is that they reveal where our focus is in life-the temporal or the eternal. So, let us not be surprised that we have tribulations in life, but let us discover that we can overcome the trials because Jesus overcame the world. Even in a fallen world, we can experience abundant, over-flowing life in the good days and the “bad” days. We can find great comfort in the fact that one day our redemption will be complete and sin will be no more. One day, there will be no need for police, fire departments, doctors, armies, —because Jesus will be reigning. As the song says-“The King is Coming”!
1 Peter 4:12-13: “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you; but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing; so that also at the revelation of His glory, you may rejoice with exultation.”
Revelation 21:4: “and He shall wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there shall no longer be any death; there shall no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.”