Matthew 4:4: “But He answered and said, ‘It is written, ‘Man Shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.’”
We then to over analyze and complicate; making what is plain and clear difficult to grasp. Someone has said that: “analasis leads to paralysis”, and that can be true when it comes to applying what the scriptures teach. Certainly it is a good thing to “dig” into the word of God; to study and to compare scripture with scripture-God instructs us to do that. However, as we approach the word of God, we must remember that God has made His ways and His desires clear. God sent us the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to us, and it is the Holy Spirit who reveals the heart of the Father to us. Our study of the word of God is not like studying a subject we know nothing about; in our study of God’s word, we are actually discovering what God has revealed. The primary reason for studying the word is not for education, but rather to gain revelation, wisdom, and understanding. God had His word written in such a way that any one, regardless of their education or IQ, can glean truth from His word. As we read the scriptures, our focus should not be on trying to discover some “deeper truth”, but should be on applying and obeying what we read. As we apply and obey God’s word, He will reveal more of Himself to us. Very simply put; God sent His word in order that we might know Him, and as believers, might know how we are to live. Even though there are mysteries to be found in God’s word, the word is not complicated and is straight forward, not difficult to understand. For some reason I don’t understand, I fear we have come to a place where we enjoy hearing a great sermon, and yet not be impacted by what we hear. Sad but true, we can hear the great sermon, and then leave the service and soon forget what we heard. Also, we must not be guilty of twisting the scripture to agree with our own opinion and preferences. What would happen if without question or hesitation, we simply do what the scriptures plainly teach? For example; what if we loved our neighbor as ourselves-if we let no unwholesome word proceed from our mouth-if we encouraged one another daily-if we worked so that we could give to those in need-if we honored one another-if we exercised our spiritual gifting-if we put off the old self and put on the new self-if we took every thought captive to the obedience of Christ-if we were quick to forgive-if we visited and prayed for the sick-if we had the peace of God-if we spoke only the truth-if we preferred others above ourselves-if we trusted God for everything-if we acknowledged God in all of our ways-if we related to God as our real Father-if we understood that we are connected to other believers-and if we sought Him first? I am confident that if we as believers, with the right spirit, will simply obey what God has said, we will experience God working in ways that will amaze us. I also believe that when believers begin to live true to the scriptures; families, churches, cities and the nation will see the blessings of God; broken relationships will be mended, many will be made well physically, depression will be lifted, purpose and peace will be restored, joy and laughter will be a part of life, needs will be met, and His kingdom will be expanded. As discussed in a recent post, the eyes of the Lord do run to and fro throughout the earth looking for those whose heart is completely His-for those who love Him and keep His word. Obeying what God has plainly said is not difficult if we are living out of our new self, and as we keep His word we are blessed. To think that by keeping His word will somehow rob us of life, or cause us not to enjoy life, is without a doubt a false concept. “Jesus came that we might have life, and have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10). Let us continue to read and study God’s word, but also let us be quick to obey all that our Father has spoken through the scriptures. Our goal is not the study of God’s word; our goal is to obey His word. Jesus made it clear that others would know that we are His disciples because we keep His word.
John 14:21: “He who has My commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves Me; and he who loves Me shall be loved by My Father, and I will love Him, and will disclose Myself to him.”
John 6:63: “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.”